Soji Coffee Roasters

Unlock Coconut Coffee: It’s Delicious and Nutritious

Unlock Coconut Coffee: It's Delicious and Nutritious - Soji Coffee Roasters

Unlock Coconut Coffee: It's Delicious and Nutritious - Soji Coffee Roasters

A. Explore Coconut Coffee

Coffee enthusiasts around the world have been embracing a unique and tropical twist to their daily brew – coconut coffee. This delightful concoction combines the rich, bold flavour of coffee with the creamy and nutty notes of coconut, creating a harmonious taste that’s hard to resist.
It also offers a range of health benefits that make it a standout choice for those looking to elevate their coffee experience.

B. A Brief History of Coconut Coffee

The history of coconut coffee can be traced back to Southeast Asia, where coconuts have been a staple in the diet for centuries.

Coconuts are known for their rich, creamy milk and the versatile oil extracted from their flesh.

The first recorded instance of coconut coffee being served dates back to the coastal regions of Vietnam. The locals, known for their love of coffee and coconuts, experimented with infusing freshly brewed coffee with coconut milk. This remarkable fusion of flavours quickly gained popularity in Vietnam and neighbouring countries like Thailand and Indonesia.

Over time, it made its way to international coffee shops and gained a devoted following among coffee aficionados worldwide. Today, coconut coffee is a staple in the Southeast Asian coffee culture and also a global sensation, enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

Unlock Coconut Coffee: It's Delicious and Nutritious - Soji Coffee Roasters

C. The Art of Making Coconut Coffee

Here’s how you can brew this delightful beverage in the comfort of your home:


  1. Freshly roasted coffee beans or grounds (Arabica beans recommended)
  2. Fresh or canned coconut milk
  3. Sweetener of your choice (optional)
  4. Hot water


  1. Select Quality Coffee Beans: Begin with premium coffee beans. Use Arabica beans, choose a single origin that suits your taste preferences. Opt for a medium to medium-dark roast for a bold and aromatic cup.
  2. Brew Your Coffee: Brew a tasty cup of coffee using your preferred method, such as a drip coffee maker, French press, or pour-over. Brew it to your desired strength and flavour intensity.
  3. Prepare the Coconut Milk: While your coffee is brewing, heat the coconut milk in a separate saucepan over low to medium heat. Don’t bring it to boil; you only want it warm. Stir occasionally to prevent any separation.
  4. Combine Coffee and Coconut Milk: In a coffee mug, combine your brewed coffee and warm coconut milk. The ratio of coffee to coconut milk can vary but a 1:1 ratio is an excellent place to start.
  5. Add Sweetener (Optional): If you like your coffee on the sweeter side, add your preferred sweetener. Coconut sugar or honey can enhance the coconut coffee experience without overpowering the flavours.
  6. Stir Thoroughly: Stir the coffee and coconut milk mixture thoroughly, ensuring that they are well combined.
  7. Enjoy Your Coconut Coffee: Your coconut coffee is now ready to be savoured.

D. The Nutritional Benefits of Coconut Coffee

Coconut coffee offers several nutritional advantages that make it a healthy choice for your daily caffeine fix.

  1. Rich in Healthy Fats: Coconut milk is renowned for its healthy fat content, primarily consisting of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).
  2. Boosts Brain Function: The MCTs in coconut milk are known to support cognitive function. They provide a readily available source of energy for the brain and can enhance mental clarity and focus.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Coffee is a well-known source of antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  4. Lactose-Free Alternative: Coconut milk is a dairy-free and lactose-free alternative to traditional creamers, making coconut coffee an excellent choice for individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.
  5. Vitamins and Minerals: Coconut milk contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium.
  6. Improved Digestion: Coconut milk may aid in digestion due to its high fiber content. It can help prevent constipation and promote a healthy gut.
  7. Balanced Energy: The combination of caffeine from coffee and the sustained energy provided by MCTs in coconut milk can result in a balanced and prolonged energy boost.

E. Exploring Variations of Coconut Coffee

One of the joys of coconut coffee is its versatility. It can be enjoyed in various ways, catering to different taste preferences.

  1. Iced Coconut Coffee: Simply prepare your coconut coffee as usual, allow it to cool, and then pour it over ice. You can also add a splash of coconut cream for extra creaminess.
  2. Coconut Espresso: For those who prefer a stronger coffee flavour, consider making a coconut espresso. Use a shot of espresso and mix it with a small amount of heated coconut milk. It’s a concentrated and aromatic beverage with a hint of tropical goodness.
  3. Coconut Coffee Smoothie: Blend your coconut coffee with frozen fruits like banana and pineapple to create a delightful coconut coffee smoothie. Add a scoop of protein powder for an energizing and nutritious breakfast option.
  4. Spiced Coconut Coffee: Elevate your coconut coffee by adding a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom for a warm and spicy twist. These spices complement the coconut flavour beautifully.
  5. Coconut Coffee Latte: If you prefer a milky coffee, make a coconut coffee latte by adding frothy coconut milk on top of your brewed coffee. Garnish it with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or grated coconut for an extra touch of luxury.

F. Coconut Coffee Around the World

Coconut coffee’s popularity extends beyond Southeast Asia and into various cultures worldwide.

  1. Indonesian Kopi Tubruk: A traditional Javanese coffee made by adding coconut sugar and a pinch of salt to the coffee grounds before brewing. The result is a sweet and savoury beverage with a distinct coconut undertone.
  2. Thai Iced Coffee: Thailand’s famous “Thai Iced Coffee,” which combines strong coffee, sweetened condensed milk, and coconut milk. It’s often served over ice, making it a refreshing and indulgent treat.
  3. Filipino Kapeng Barako: A popular variant of coconut coffee. It features native Liberica coffee beans brewed with coconut milk and sometimes sweetened with muscovado sugar.
  4. Mexican Café de Olla: Mexican “Café de Olla” includes cinnamon and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar) in the brewing process. Some variations also add a touch of coconut milk for added richness.

G. The Future of Coconut Coffee

Its unique flavour profile, combined with its nutritional benefits, appeals to a broad range of consumers. Additionally, the growing interest in dairy-free and plant-based options further contributes to the popularity of coconut coffee.

In recent years, major coffee chains and artisanal coffee shops have introduced coconut coffee variations to their menus, catering to the evolving tastes of their clientele. This trend is likely to continue, with coffee enthusiasts seeking new and exciting ways to experience their favourite beverage.

H. DIY Coconut Coffee Recipes

Explore DIY coconut coffee recipes? Get start on this three:

Coconut Mocha Frappuccino


  • 1 cup brewed coffee, cooled
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Chocolate shavings (optional)


  1. In a blender, combine the cooled coffee, coconut milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and ice cubes.
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour the mixture into a glass.
  4. Top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings if desired.
Coconut Cold Brew


  • 1/2 cup coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup (or sweetener of choice)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Combine the coarsely ground coffee beans and cold water in a jar or pitcher.
  2. Stir well, cover, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours (or overnight).
  3. After steeping, strain the cold brew coffee into a glass.
  4. Add coconut milk and maple syrup, adjusting the sweetness to your liking.
  5. Serve over ice and savour it.
Coconut Coffee Oatmeal


  • 1 cup brewed coffee (strong)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Sliced bananas and toasted coconut flakes for topping


  1. In a saucepan, combine the brewed coffee, rolled oats, coconut milk, honey, and cinnamon.
  2. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer over medium heat.
  3. Stir occasionally and cook until the oats are soft and the liquid is absorbed (about 5-7 minutes).
  4. Transfer the oatmeal to a bowl, and top with sliced bananas and toasted coconut flakes.


Coconut coffee is not just a delicious beverage; it’s a journey through the tropical flavours of Southeast Asia and beyond. Its rich history, versatile preparation methods, and numerous health benefits make it a standout choice for coffee lovers worldwide. Whether you enjoy it hot, cold, sweet, or spiced, coconut coffee offers a delightful and nutritious way to elevate your coffee experience.

It’s time for you to brew some Specialty Coffee.

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Every few months we sourced from different countries to select the best farm coffees harvest. We gently micro-batch drum roast all of our coffee beans in our roastery in Singapore. Indulge yourself in our flavourful coffees!

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